Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Karlie Ann

WOW! Can you believe my baby is five.... It is so crazy to me. Happy Birthday Karlie we love you so much and have brought so much love and fun into our home. We all love you so much you are so smart and doing well in school. It was really fun Karlie did a family board for her preschool class and it asked questions like what her favorite food was which she replied waffles and rainbow sherbet. One of the other questions it asked was what do you want to be when you grow up and her response was Rapunzel. Man I love five year old's they are so cute and say the most amazing things.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Sweet Sixteen

So my beautiful daughter turned 16 this weekend. Man when I say that it makes me feel old! She had a fun weekend Saturday she went to Homecoming with some friends and then house/dog-sat for some neighbors. Sun was her birthday and we just had a nice cozy day hanging out and watching conference. She is having her party in a couple weeks her first to invite boys since second grade. She can't wait for her first date now that she is 16 but I know I can. Happy Birthday Isabella we love you! You are so Beautiful.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

BEST surprise in the world

So I am standing out in front with my neighbor/friend Amanda yesterday when this person comes driving into the court, and WOW what do you know its one of my dearest to my heart friends I haven't seen in four years. It truly was the best surprise ever!!! It was so nice to see her and it made so sad she lives in WA..I would love to have her move back but I am grateful for the couple hours I got last night. I love you Kate!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to school 2011

Well that time of year is back of getting back into schedules and the business that comes with school. Mix that with Soccer, baseball, cross-country and other things and that is "our crazy life." Thanks Izzy for making me do this update:)

Isabella is turning 16 on October 2 and is a Sophomore this year WOW were has time gone. She is loving school and can't wait to start dating.

Christopher is in 8Th grade and can't wait till High school but is enjoying his last year in middle school and has had fun spending time with Emily. They have band together and are both doing cross-country.

Emily started middle school and is loving it! She has really come out of her shell and is enjoying it. She is learning to play the flute and doing well in all her classes.

Mason is in fourth grade and is proud to say he has been on the AWESOME board in his classroom since school started. He is truly an amazing young man and is lucky to have such a good brother for an example.

Karlie also started school this year. She is going to Wheatland Pre-school and loving it! She is so smart and so darn cute. She knows all her friends names and is constantly talking about the class pet Priscilla.


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About Me

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Mom to five beautiful Children and a great husband who I love with all my heart. I'm the luckiest person on earth with the greatest job of being a stay home mom
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